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tv   [untitled]    November 5, 2012 3:00am-3:30am EST

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as the main presidential candidate in the u.s. made their last ditch attempt to curry favor in crucial swing states our team prepares to give the floor to their was also running for the top job but being left out of the spotlight. reset gears up to lying to a halt as people from all walks of life start a week of strikes protesting the government set to cut spending even further. the u.n. resolution on syria desiring to make the situation create a basis for regime change. russia accuses western and arab states of encouraging the syrian opposition to step up their fight instead of looking for ways to stop the bloodshed.
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this is r.t. coming to live from moscow with me marina joshie and we starts with the u.s. presidential race where barack obama and mitt romney are in their last gasp dash to win votes and the so-called battleground states polls put their rivals neck and ak on forty eight percent each in the heat of an extremely tough campaign most americans forgets the actually have a bigger choice than just the candidates he's been reminding them of the alternatives. here it is the venue for the next presidential debate with the alternative candidates in this election our studio in washington d.c. though it's not very big as you can see will make sure there is lots of room for discussion on the issues that some hope don't fit into the mainstream media discourse here alternatives to obama and romney have effectively been pushed out of
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the major national debates we ask how and why it was. pushed out and quite literally jule styne. presidential nominee from the green party was the rest of us on the day of the second presidential debate between mitt romney and barack obama in middle school were right outside the venue where it took place she was there protesting her exclusion from the debate we were tightly bound with plastic restraints and tied to chairs for eight hours for daring to stand up and demand open debates turn out of presidential candidates had their own debate in chicago they brought up issues which the big party candidates never came close to discussing like the legislation signed by president obama which allows the government to indefinitely detain american citizens without charge or due process and incredible the trail of our civil liberties and foreign policy the alternative candidates argue there's practically no difference between mitt romney and barack
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obama regardless of whether or not romney gets elected or obama gets elected three things are going to happen we're going to find ourselves with a continued heightened police state in this country we're going to find ourselves continuing to militarily intervene in the world which results has resulted in hundreds of millions of enemies to this country that wouldn't otherwise exist the similarity of views that president obama and mitt romney showed during their foreign policy debate became a matter of numerous jokes on foreign policy it appears that all that's left for the presidential race is this one model. i mean at least we still get our choice of color but if you say. the u.s. mainstream media are entirely focused on the two party race the majority of americans know very little if anything about alternatives jule styne of the green party who i sit down with before her arrest is not going to be represented on ballot papers in every state the american system is designed to eliminate political
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opposition like some of the you know dictatorships that we criticize that have rigged political systems in many ways the american system has also read but in ways that are not as straightforward and with the like of interest from the mainstream media smaller parties see the deck stacked against them in a national vote but not only are americans stuck with a two word phrase but they're also not guaranteed to get the president to the majority cast their votes for in a us presidential election a candidate can win the majority of the popular vote and still lose the election because it's not the popular vote but the electoral college that decides the outcome of the presidential election here so how does it work every state but maine and nebraska give the candidate a certain number of points and the winner has to collect the magic number two hundred seventy points even if a candidate loses a state by just say three votes they get zero points that's how george w.
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bush won the election in the year two thousand although he lost in the popular vote he won due to the trickiest they to say score system according to gallup poll the record foody percent of americans now identify themselves as independents the chief of the federal election commission on the george w. bush michael toner told me in the us alone control system you don't have much choice if you moved away from a winner take all electoral system and once a proportional representation i think you would have far more successful political parties here in the states because there are a large number of americans actually the most. most of the biggest share biggest increase in voter registration today in america is not democrats it's not republicans it's independents if you look at the states large numbers of people now are as independent now they often will vote pretty reliably republican or democrat but that's a pretty good indication that there's
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a million tens of millions of people who if they had their choice might pick another party but one group that stands to win for the lack of choice by the corporations that contribute lavishly to political campaigns trying to buy support for their companies what we have in this country in many respects is covert corruption legalise corruption in the political system itself being held hostage by special interests is a form of corruption each candidate on the republican and democratic side now spend nearly a billion dollars each in order to get to the white house i mean i think our founding fathers would be spending it in their graves if they could see this while in office mr toner oversaw a campaign finance of the elections the most sophisticated companies what they do is they're in good shape no matter who wins right they hire lobbyists on both sides of the aisle they often make political contributions both sides of the aisle just
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called hedging your bets here in america as you would say in los vegas. and in vegas as they say no matter how you play it the house always wins speaking of us alike chance one could say no matter how you vote business as usual wins it won't be business as usual during the alternative candidate is debate this monday night the candidates will be here in this studio were chosen by online voters as the winners of the last third party debate held in chicago about two weeks ago we block has that debate live no mainstream us news channel did so an important point to make here is that by giving a media platform to these candidates does not mean that we're indorsing their views it's an honor for us to host the event. we're trying to show what others don't and we also think it's going to get a lot of viewers you're welcome to be one of them certainly well from our debate ready or almost ready studio here in washington i'm going to. well don't miss a special event and watch the third party candidates debate live on our t.v. the spawn the at nine pm. will two parties keep us politics
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a one way street. or will new voices disrupt the power parallel. what if america changes try. this election please god monday november fifth on our team. from their man to band clerks greece is set to come to standstill as a week of strikes and protests have started in the debt ridden country it comes as the government plans to vote for a fresh staring package of cost cuts and tax hikes in order to get another cash injection from its international creditors are paid all over is in athens well it's been rather ominous lee called the devils we kid some parts of the greek media not stoop to the fact that nobody really knows what state greece is going to emerge from the coming days worth of protests strikes and potentially crippling austerity measures now the first strike is have walked out we've seen taxi drivers some journalists and others walking out on monday the main strikes though taking place
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on tuesday and wednesday that's when the main labor unions get involved taking industrial action and be out on the streets of athens as well as other cities around greece to protest against what they see as unfair measures being taken by the greek of greek government as the government looks to say to team point five billion euros the reason that greece is having to do this is that they've been told to do this by their main creditors the so-called troika on sunday opposition politicians put it to mr summers why didn't you negotiate the terms of this next round of austerity measures with our creditors and he said well there he didn't negotiate it because it wasn't open for negotiation this was dictated to him by greece's lenders this prompted the opposition to say that they wanted to see new elections in greece and they called on the greek people to use the demonstrations coming up over the next few days to rise up peacefully and take back their country
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. and while you government struggle to plug holes in their finances the british have these are choosing the most exotic and expensive distinctions for a luxury business trips we reported that later this hour. russia's foreign minister says western efforts over syria are so we aimed at inflaming the situation on the ground and carrying out regime change sergey lavrov also said such opposition is only a meeting to further bloodshed in the rest of country artist lucy coffin of has the details. sergey lavrov is on a middle east tour after a tenuous cease fire in syria broke down during a tragically so during the holiday of eva on the very same day as russia is trying to restart diplomatic efforts to come to some sort of diplomatic solution to the syria crisis members of the fractured syrian opposition groups are meeting in qatar under u.s. backed efforts to bring together a new opposition leadership
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a government this is something that people have interpreted to mean a splintering of the international community on how to resolve the syrian crisis and has earned the title quite harsh remarks from the foreign minister and he had said he had urged and comments to the press for folks to stick together to the agreements that the international community had come to in june that in the geneva declaration which had called among other things the creation of a transitional governing body he also in the inner furring to this u.s. backed effort especially accuse the west for giving up on their commitments by refusing to work with the syrian government on the issue working only with the opposition which he says is quote a path to a very dire situation. in geneva four months ago we all agreed to power was we'll say the same to the warring sides in syria. this is exactly what rush is
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doing saying this to both the government and opposition groups some other nations both western and regional telling the opposition go game fighting. you will win it's up to you to decide whose position is creating the danger of more and more deaths in syria. pressure the system has the force been to come to some sort of a diplomatic non military solution to this tragic crisis which unfortunately continues to unfold a day by day whether more tragedies more casualties reported. and a nearly daily basis. protests across the arab world have drawn much attention from countries in the west but critics say it often smacks of double standards. u.s. is no want to see its control over the region slip away something is a bit illegal as the democratic aspirations of the people washington turns a blind eye to thousands of protesters in kuwait while at the same time praising
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the opposition forces in countries such as syria weren't at play or the program. search but don't find wiki leaks is blogging from the us national archives raising questions over the freedom of speech right here on our team after a quick break. usually the police and occupy protesters are like oil and water but in atlanta they've come together to save the house of a former detective jacqueline barber unfortunately miss barbara lost a lot of money battling cancer and was facing eviction when she turned to occupy homes for help so far she's managed to stay in her home despite it being sold out from under her feet but the main thing is that her fight to stay in her home has become like a bridge between two groups who are usually at each other's throats the police and
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occupiers the thing is that cruel economic practices can affect us all even retired police like ms barber i know there are some irresponsible people who buy things they can't pay for and here the police have to do something about them but they shouldn't throw you out of your home that you've paid for for years just for getting cancer no one should have to live with the constant fear that their home will be taken away after years and years of payment just because they got sick and america i thought we believed in private property not eternally rented from big banks but that's just my opinion. welcome to the free science technology innovation all the ways developments from around rush hour we've got the future covered.
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in the news a secret laboratory to mccurdy was able to build a new its most sophisticated robot which on fortunately doesn't give a darn about anything tim's mission to teach creation why it should care about humans and world this is why you should care watch only on the dot com. skinny can i speak with you sir. let me then explain my son died in a gun don't agree you don't agree we don't have to look for other name my son isn't isn't in the arena i don't know what is crap be our greatest tragedy for you affairs. concern your country. with a country your ears. the moon or in hope to help you find it. you find in so many old says war and meet some snows that.
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is eat. meat. welcome back you're watching r.t. live from moscow now local activists in kuwait say security forces have detained dozens of pro-democracy campaigners in the latest clampdown on a rally in the gulf nation riot police use stun grenades and small bombs against thousands of demonstrators who defied a ban on public gatherings protesting against new voting rules the opposition claims changes in the electoral system had an advantage to the pro-government
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candidates in next month's election sunday's rally became the third major protest in the past few days political analyst eric draitser says gulf monarchies confidently take on democratic measures comfortable in the knowledge they have the support of the u.s. . the government is terrified look at protest movement developing in saudi arabia one that's continued to go on in bahrain we see the same around the arab world more generally and kuwait looks at itself or rather the government does and they see that they really stand no chance at maintaining our maintaining control of that country unless they are able to successfully suppress the end repress the opposition these are client states of the united states bahrain is the u.s. fifth fleet the navy kuwait as we all know the role that it played in both wars against iraq kuwait is very much dependent on saudi arabia and the united states and so all of this is part of a geo political calculus of us that germany u.s.
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does not want to see its control over the region slip away by something as piddling as the democratic aspirations of people in the region and as just mentioned the bahraini regime continues to mute anti-government slogans on the streets on our website you know calm find out the latest on the protests which have been going for more than twenty months now. well as the u.k. is set for a clash with its partners over how much britain pays for its membership it seems there's still a chance to save taxpayers money back at home and it's. then revealed that m.p.'s there are spending tens of thousands of pounds flying to exotic destinations on so-called fact finding missions are the sarah first reports. rio china miami we might all dream of jetting off to some exotic destination but unfortunately in the middle of a double dip recession with thirty measures. we're being kept to ground.
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for some lucky and peace even just sing off the some of those fall flung at the nations of fact finding mission one fact that has been found is that these trips costing millions in taxpayers' pounds so take a look at the figures they regularly come in at more than forty thousand pounds per trip one shit singapore in china cost a whopping seventy two thousand pounds something has clearly gone wrong when you have a coach trip costing eight to ten thousand pounds per member of parliament on the trip they're either either staying in luxury hotels when they can with a more modest accommodation or they're using business class travel when they can travel most of the rest of us not surprisingly the public's not impressed i certainly think it's excessive and i think they can say taking the piss but they're taking advantage there's absolutely no question. there because i find
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a good place. if you have the patience to look on the right side and if the m.p.'s need some advice on how to say the pennies the public has a symbol for the advice for the. know you're ok big deal was we'd all love to just fall into the sunset to help us deal with the economic crisis those excessive expenditures are going to leave many m.p.'s looking like they simply got their heads in the clouds so our london. well more stories are available on our website or to com including big in business big game online and we've got the story of one supermodel and her billionaire entrepreneur planning to stage an elephant pole match to mark the tycoons fiftieth birthday. lots of black and orange had to argue dot com where we've lined up a story of one crew member station perfectly call earth for how we.
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have a case of we can leaks is once again hitting the headlines and that's half of the u.s. national archive blocked any search of hams containing the name of the whistle blowing web site the move on the recommendation of washington was said to be protecting classified information but last a leader of the u.k. pirate party believes what happened is a clear sign of censorship. mission of the library of congress to preserve a collective body of knowledge the job of any line shortly should be to share that knowledge well it's frankly not surprising that such organizations that are under pressure to actually conform to these kind of classification law but essentially
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this is still censorship and censorship nor is it actually stepping on freedom of speech we often see that the united states is very quick to criticize its states abroad stepping on premier speech would seem able to say to uphold the same standards at home we can see how. the certain principles of whistle blowing both men for democracy. and i said take a look at some of the stories from around the world at one eight attack on a church in kenya has claimed life of policeman fourteen other people most of them security officers were warned the country and the wider region have suffered a wave of similar deadly attacks in response to kenya sending troops to neighboring somalia to battle qaeda linked insurgents earlier this year or two other churches were assaulted in the same town leaving eighteen people dead. eleven year old child
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has been killed and eighteen people injured after a bomb targeting a police vehicle exploded in southeastern turkey now group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack the country's officials though put the blame on the kurdistan workers party which has been active in the region trying to attain sovereignty. well it's only for the moment and in just a couple of minutes kate partridge will be bringing you the latest sports nice. a sacred place rising out of the waters of the lake the lawn ministry is home to one hundred fifty orthodox monks mostly younger than thirty five and they've come from many different places and backgrounds to live in isolation here spiritual life it takes up many hours on the road to becoming a monk requires both hard work and religious tele cation.
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salem's to become and herds cattle as part of this preparation. however these beasts get a musical company. they sure are a menace sound sequences you know they react to the sound signals the flutes the herders had in the old days they needed them it wasn't just a fun thing but these meadows didn't come naturally requiring decades of composting to bring the soil up to farming standard this island is mostly rock. the soil here is very thin and the monks can't just get more of it because they're surrounded by the lake so they have to work very hard in order to provide whatever food they need. they grow their own crops find their own fish and repair their own churches. but the central purpose of the lawn has always been religious the main ministry surrounded by smaller priories spread through the many archipelago the monks who know their existence is
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a little different from the out of other ministries here we are out of the way and we do have. bill creams and song times as well but only. tranquility use. these to. understand combination of high religion and down to earth hard work the motivates these men. culture is that so much going to give each musician the power of finding the market democracy promoting the export of a universal set of values or the means to change to control the global order twenty years after the.
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nation in free credit patient free in-store charges free. range month free free. free. download free blog videos for your media project for free radio down to r.t.e. dot com. hello welcome to the artist for round up thank you for joining me kate partridge and these are the week's top stories marching on the desk of score in injury time
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to snatch a two one win over look at our teeth in the moscow darby to go top of the russian premier league we have all weekend that. while top gear as the battle to win this year's formula one title goes down to the wild we look at a young russian aims to make his mark among motorsports elite. and fast and furious russia's but so far they called out another big scalp this collection as the kick boxing champion drops out and got all drug out in the first round. all those stories to come in first a football where tesco snatch a stoppage time when it's a triumph two one in the moscow dobby against luck about safe and go top of the russian premier league which of on corporate reports on a weekend of closely fought battles. serious car came into backlash with local rivals lokomotiv moscow in a stunning run of form in the russian premier league and they were looking to make it ten wins from eleven victory over the rail we. got them off to the perfect stand just before the half hour mark but it's just respond almost instant as somebody
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issuing goes first goal of the season through that this does level. kosova believes his side were reduced to ten men of the dimitar ass of a send off their tosses made even harder as one can have to leave the field was left loco of any nine players on the pitch as big used up all their subs for the second time in a week qantas verbal brute to be beyond him and savior he netted an eighty eight minute winner against terror last time outs and the swede left even later going to work on my t.v. as a stoppage time goal gave serious counterpoints which sees them top russian premier league table. to win every game. they could be much better than. the last three four so so much. we keep winning. that means that we. see this team and we know how to win the game bungy
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a horse and says khan's heels up for a free one win against terror in the caucasus darby and back before putting guns hitting side into the lead up to the finish of the slick passing move. not seen the priority was left for the easiest of times to double on g.'s lead and good work by samuel a tall. order of dave terry cope from a penalty spalt the chrysanthemum a big game save of time running out it's aside from hutch how i receive a perfect boost ahead of a europa league clash with liverpool i'm thirsty. to beat received a timely boost ahead of their crucial champions league clash of anger late on tuesday the return of eager denise of and danny to first team action they will need to work hard for their two one win over rust all things were going well providing it was true of gave the home side believes the other young holland is equalize a lot of rescued a point for us all but one shocker popped up with a win in deep into injury time records in each fully victory in rome.


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